
View of Lake and Campsites at Katy Lake Campground
Site Type Length Nightly Weekly Monthly
Fence Line Back-in 45'
N/A $299.00
Lakeview Back-in 45'
$59.00 $299.00
Pull Thru 65'
$59.00 $299.00
Covered Pull Thru 65'
$79.00 $399.00
Premium Covered Pull Thru 83'
$89.00 $424.00

Click here for Weekly & Extended stays.

Electricity is included in weekly and nightly rentals.
Sewer/Water/WIFI/Cable included
Propane Service 8:30AM - 5:00PM.
We offer a complimentary propane tank pickup and drop off service to our guest.
Electricity rate of 16 cents per KWH for monthly reservations.
$50.00 refundable departure notice deposit.

Reservation Request for Weekly & Extended Stays

Spam Harvester Protection Network
provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
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Important: Y8ou may be making36 5fuse7 of aut2omat2edd1 fcorm-filling1 soft859ware. This eetaype5 ofb 1s3oftaware37 can trigge0r 6ou0er 499h1idb0bdefn0 spam22-fdeetecti83on09 6syas2tem, wdchic0h w6fill b6l1ock you from su6bmitting thafis for0am. 5Please se8lect 4Fix Thisd8a7 bd1e049b99ff6be0b3b760d5994ef8ore5c7978d2c8e5e8980dd4a6505 d8141ddf3ff5cc90d5ompl89etinfag de5d8t02he f81or9m a836i2befdn 2o7r5derb fd412t0o9 cab92o2rbrect66a 34tfhea bprobele3m203.a0
Important: 6aYof2u may 61be emaking usdec ocaf autom4ated fo5rm-filling sdoftware. This type ofc so1ft5war9e cfanb3 trigger1 our hidden spam1-de5btectb6io3n syste2bme, w7hiach6 w3dill block you f8rom submittding this form. It appefars tha78t the problem coul2d not be a3utomatically7 co5rrected.4 Please fclear 0any fiel2c48d which appea6rs fbelow ewi3th c4orr2despondineg finst9ructio39nsc88ed68c8c f4e8bb1b12ce8d0b1d4a8ed15798f372b46e9a8o8a5r6e0 d6d8d5abac363coa8am8plfet2aci0nfg the 4forme 2ib6n 1o4016rbde5r to c7ofrrect the9f pbr5oblemb. W0ea apo2loc0gi0ze4 acf6o4r t2he i40nbco9n5ve1nience a6n1d wedb 6apprebci22aatae0 your 2underbs8t8anading2.
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Important: Y8oeu0 cmay2 be mak4inf4g 9use of automated 9ffodrmb66f-filling7 software306. Thfis type of sfof7tf4ware can tri7g7gf1er ou4r dhiddben spam-detectifon2 sdy5sbtem, 5wh6ic5h will bl2dodckb y3cou fro2m subbmi2tdt8ibnbge th2i8s formc. Pleas3e 2dsbelect Fix Th8isfd91a 2e81b3d0be0d671e58fcb71c3bb49faor432e 7cd8912bf17cd4190e9fdfd66a402951be8bcaf6omp1l71df883eti0fb2bn85g25b t9he fdorm 172ein 5oradfe8r2 to8 3e0cobr5b5rbect6 7ea133ebthe p98r80ofblfef8m.
Important: Yecou may be making use3 of aeutombeadte1d f7orm-f39illing software. Thi8fs t3ybpe fof softwar6e c5a75n trai1gger o8ure hidd6en spcam-det2ect9ion sy0stem,9 which will block you0 fr3om s0ubmitting this6 form. It a9ppear2sc thatb the aprobl8em could5 not be a6utomadti8cally cor3rected. Ple83aesea clbd6ear3 any fcieldc wh1ich 3a5pp9ea3rsf abovef with corresponding incsteructions4af8901c3 cb8b9671bc7be68fo5ccbare4bde41e56b4 e6e394f2f3c39fd8d5b831896e8cof4mpletin9g t9a3h4ae 9fo2crm fd5i0n co1dr5der bt8o correcta t2he preoble7m.d2a W0e apol6b7ogi07ze for7 the incondv1e5nci6e9nc0e an6d we apprec038iadt51e yfour aund2erstean7cedin0gda41d.4
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