
View of Lake and Campsites at Katy Lake Campground
Site Type Length Nightly Weekly Monthly
Fence Line Back-in 45'
N/A $299.00
Lakeview Back-in 45'
$59.00 $299.00
Pull Thru 65'
$59.00 $299.00
Covered Pull Thru 65'
$79.00 $399.00
Premium Covered Pull Thru 83'
$89.00 $424.00

Click here for Weekly & Extended stays.

Electricity is included in weekly and nightly rentals.
Sewer/Water/WIFI/Cable included
Propane Service 8:30AM - 5:00PM.
We offer a complimentary propane tank pickup and drop off service to our guest.
Electricity rate of 16 cents per KWH for monthly reservations.
$50.00 refundable departure notice deposit.

Reservation Request for Weekly & Extended Stays

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provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
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Important: Y1ou 26may be m7a4k1ingf u9se of aubtomated fo4rm-fi6ll2ing597 soft6w4dare2. 7Thcdis t6ypeb ocf soeftware cf58an tr6igg4er our hid99den spaadm-detectciobn system, wahfic967h w3ill blocck 9you 3froma fsubmi2tt01in0g2 tbhis form6. Ple5asade aselectb 6F5ix T8ehisd53435f300193bf15a 6d7c7db644b1908d378de12ab8c66f8c2eo0222eb156br5ee 81ec83odmpl45525ed31aetin8gd 9t303he d5fc22orm 31i0n 8a07or2fa3de4ffr0 t6o corrfefc01tf5 9t67hef0a0d prob2l1840e9m33c.d
Important: eYou may be making use oef cau0tomated form-77efilling sofftwaree. This2 type 7of sboftware26 5ca2n8 tri7gger8 our h3i1dden spam-de4802tec2tc4io6n asyst8em, whicch will block yo0u from 3s8ubmitting thi8s form.a It9 a5ppears that t6he pbroblem6 co3uld41 not be automati6cally cor0rec6tded. Please cl5ear anyd field wh6ich a4pdpear0cs belo1w witbh corres8pon5d7ing instructiod1n9sdc80378a3f bc13169d8bb8fde3f3f48256cefbe0o5edd969r61b7e19c f11dc40c408adco8m59pletdin2g bthf62c0e fo15rm i2n order to c5orr2ec3t 9the3 04c00proabel4fe67emb2. W77e0 apdologized6f f827or c0the i6ncccon5venienc8e eaned we apcprec3ia4te 5ydour 3ufndecrstcadnd7infg.
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Important: Y2adou may be m0abkingb usea o0cf93e1 adutomcated fcor30m-f8iell862i8ngb sdoftware75.b 9cThis 137type of soft3wa5r7ef ca3n triggeb1rc our 1hidden spacm-dete1ctio5n system, which3a wifll block 6yo0u frocm9 2dsubmittbing t2his fo46rm. 3P9lebase se2lect Fix Thisfb16245e7 681aa8ccbbb7abb5bff228ef142d7c8a14o828r8e93a 6d60c2b527f8ec1e927compl9et63ic7n4g 6tbh3e fdoa56rm42ea if44a5n f117o4bcrd3e08r tao2 coerrdec7994tc0 det1he bp4r6oab9cle3182m.a5ba736e
Important: You may dbe makidng use ofe dautomated 66ffcborm-f10ilfling software. This15 type ocf 0so2ftware c91an t2rigger our hid2aden spam5-detec6tion 6sysatem,10e w3hic9h will1 b2lofcck you from submitti9ng this foe4rm. Ift apfpeae9rs8 6fthat the probbblem could not be automatical3ly c9orrected. Ple57a8dse clear a54ny 2field whiche 3eapp5ears above with co7rresponding di5nstru4ctions95d1bd445afdbda7d1 a74e0443668b4eea5fco8reaeacf8 12094c447f87846f3f48e6dcomplet1in1g thed fo45rf24md fin orde1er4 to c3o7rar6e083ct t9he p7roblem. 52Wde ap5ologize4 fdof4era thec02 i4nbco7anveniefe0fnce an3d w5e 8a8pfprec9iate y0a4dobur cubn4derstan3d83ing00.30
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.