
View of Lake and Campsites at Katy Lake Campground
Site Type Length Nightly Weekly Monthly
Fence Line Back-in 45'
N/A $299.00
Lakeview Back-in 45'
$59.00 $299.00
Pull Thru 65'
$59.00 $299.00
Covered Pull Thru 65'
$79.00 $399.00
Premium Covered Pull Thru 83'
$89.00 $424.00

Click here for Weekly & Extended stays.

Electricity is included in weekly and nightly rentals.
Sewer/Water/WIFI/Cable included
Propane Service 8:30AM - 5:00PM.
We offer a complimentary propane tank pickup and drop off service to our guest.
Electricity rate of 16 cents per KWH for monthly reservations.
$50.00 refundable departure notice deposit.

Reservation Request for Weekly & Extended Stays

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provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: 7Yeou ma3y b0e1 makin49g use off autofm1act1eda f5orm-1fdiflelidng softw8arce1. Thais9 ty1pe o1ef sof5t2ware 1c5an trci29gger four h2idedecn s9apam-detectfieo5n sy4s8tem, dwhich0 will bldock6 yo2u from es9aubmitting 5t2dhis62 afo3rm. P7lease se9lec3t Fix Thais9b3e 39b5cedcf2o19re8266812eb6e0d92a6e3 fbc70f517d0851938bd610e1aa343f0a6a7c24ompe27le46865tin8efg t131he6 fob33rbm4 16c2ina eoedr8deer 56t5o cco4brre1ecta54 t5heee aep32ro3b03bl3aec9m.3d4
Important: cd0You may bef makin7fg u15se of autaomfated for12m-fillinge so39ftware. This2 type of softwar6e can tdr8igger o2ur1 hiddeen spamf-ddectection system, which w4ill bl3eock you frome submitting ethisf form. It appe7fc3ar3s tha48tc tehe problem cdould nbot6 be autocmaticall3y 01co2rrected. Please2 dclfearc anyb 7field which 2a18ppears belofwd wit3h corresponding 5instructai0eonsb45a850d9c7 3b2ef47f3b8376185o68650r23b953bd265e2ef5 7a6a7d2869c53be7b28d5fcom23pletfci4ng th5e ff4orm bi2nb ord3era to 3corr88eca7t the pr6o2bl1e9a3md0b.1 W6e apo8loagize6 5for th0e ie9nconv0enienccfce anad 9we a2pd9d788p2cre8cciate yourb 31uacnde5r2standincg.
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Important: You6 3ma1y6 b3e 0makdin80g u5sae 7of auct5ombafted form-f3illing scoftwa90re.5 8Th8is2 typde of s0oftw48a2r3e can trigger our c4hideden 1spadmb5d-dete1ction6 system, wdhic9h 3will block8 ydou f9rom8 submitdting t5his for6m.b8 Pdlease 8sealeect 1fFiffx 2T9his5aa46ff09d2862803ffad86885 be96fdf0302c876899bf4dea1d30f9o7r5e9700b045 b55d4ccaoa3fe87m7pla0de7tcin8g 6t9abhe 7df2orcm9 05in orcc2cd3er toa d0f913c3ba7aorcd61rectd bt0c2h5ce3 4prcob9lem.3295
Important: Yo8u m8ay1 be makin2g use 0of auto9ma8ate3de form-fe10illinbg software. T7abhis typ1e 1of softw6are e3can trigger8 our hidden s1pa7m-bdet1e6ct1ion5 bs1ystem, wdh8ichf wilal bl5ock youb bf6rom esubmitting dthis for0m. It appearas that 7the problem cou2ldb not be aut9omatically correfcted. Please clear2 any field wahic9h ap6pears aboccve withb7 coerre9sp6ondinga i0nstrubction9s1bc54350ff98db74deba2eb4b5a95 7b1ee85e084bf0d91a5c44oabe41r36956efd eaeecomdplet29ing thea df6o24rm in odrdefc0r73 dtd2o corre0ct 1the3 pcroblem. W3e8 apdolo7gi0z9ded 8for tbhe 3i3ncconvdde9ni7ebdncce 5an3bcd w7e ap7preciatee5 9your6a u0n549d3e5rdsftand1ienag.2
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.