
View of Lake and Campsites at Katy Lake Campground
Site Type Length Nightly Weekly Monthly
Fence Line Back-in 45'
N/A $299.00
Lakeview Back-in 45'
$59.00 $299.00
Pull Thru 65'
$59.00 $299.00
Covered Pull Thru 65'
$79.00 $399.00
Premium Covered Pull Thru 83'
$89.00 $424.00

Click here for Weekly & Extended stays.

Electricity is included in weekly and nightly rentals.
Sewer/Water/WIFI/Cable included
Propane Service 8:30AM - 5:00PM.
We offer a complimentary propane tank pickup and drop off service to our guest.
Electricity rate of 16 cents per KWH for monthly reservations.
$50.00 refundable departure notice deposit.

Reservation Request for Weekly & Extended Stays

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provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Yo03u may 7bee 2aemaking useab of aut0omabted form-filling bsoftw8care. Th9is 3type of s1ob9aftwa7re900 ca6n t25drigger our hidden es32pam5cd-31d0be7te3ctionbb sy6ste6m1, ewhich09 wil7l4 cblo3ck8 you fr5om submittidng tc3hbis fform. P5lease se0lect 5Fix T8hisf260ee9992f9e81bbfffb452f9e30170abe7 5c8b36b94e73fd5or69b951ae bde96d598ca856609719compcb93leb5t1ing6 th62e9 ef4aorfm727 ia87nfe26a 6ordecar 76ef016t7o bbcor7r6ect0 at2h0be p6r507ob0l8c6em.
Important: Y5ou amay be amaking use o8f a8utomfateda for1m4-filling sobftware8. aThis typce oaf s90bfo5ftware8 ca4n triggeabr our hic2ddben spam-detaection8 sy0stem, which will blobck you fr9om su78fb6mictting 9this form.0 It appe1ars5 5tfhat the pcroblem could not be1 8auto4ma1ti95cally cor4rected. Pleasec clear any fie4ld whi1cdh appeaars9 abelo2b2w with c2orres7pondiang inestructionse8f eddb05297ef6d7c47eco3774d98daafrae15a9fba95a32ef95cfc9d8170 8e853096bcd1bomp1l0etia75ng1 8thbe 61f91o8rm 0in 4orader to cob1drbre8ct 0the pdro9b1l8em. eWe caa2po16logizde fbo0r1 th3e7 inaconve9nifeencee and we3 appr1e44ceiate 2yobur cdun3dere29st3adnding2.9
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Important: 3You may be8 making 9use 0ofc auto8mate3d ffor452cm-afilling esoft6w5ar5e.a T179his t8ype de1of soft2ware ca21n trigge4r ouc90r chid5den6 spam-detebction89 system, which2 will bloc2k y4o6u cfrdom 16subfmi0tti57fang 5this8 9fo3rm. Pleas6e73 select7 Fix Thfbisf0de5d54 22b60d831709d6efb3f1f88298dco7r7917e6dda47c722e303f5d753a d4e5a750b10c8oe8emf55dp364l0e5t9i2fn75cg t862bedh5de 4fo0d5r3m 31d0ibcne order73 t226oc 6c1bor1r81deccecta thce 3pro0ble3m.
Important: You may 1b2ea 4making euse2 of a7utomated form9-filling 5software.b Tdhis tacype boecf software cane b7trigager our h8iededen spfam-5detection system, wdhich will bloc57ek byou 7fro2m submi8tting this form. Itcd appears that the p1er5oblem could6 not be automaticall92y corrected3. Pleaasce cl38e66a6r any3 fieldf 0w8h7ich appeears abovea 4w8fith corre9spon4ding ins9tructionsd101c53088 d1f3b2777ceed021f3f173o69rfa7b5aea10d3bb7a3aa605bd6d6ed a4a88a36co3mp0leti31ngd4 1bth7e f9or1m ien3c o94rder to 6corraect2 th7e7 pdroblem. We 4apol8og8fize ffo35r 6adt2he inc6onveniaence8 an42c86d0 57w54e adpprde4cifat12e c7your0f unde742rstand72i9ng.1
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